
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Beazley pays price for mistakes

Beazley pays price for mistakes :

"But Mr Beazley's approval rating has slipped, with a majority of those polled thinking Mr Rudd and Labor's health spokeswoman, Julia Gillard, would be a better leadership team than Mr Beazley and his deputy Jenny Macklin."

There must be an election coming. The government and media found it all too easy to indulge in chook shed slapping and setting a cat among the pigeons last time and then laughed all the way to the reelection and beyond. This divide and conquer is just so easy for them and the other parties just obligingly fall into line. Wake up, Australia, your country needs you!!! So go on, put in the new people, watch them drop like flies, stand by and listen to the squabbles. Come on...anyone would think only one party can lead Australia and if the rest of you are put off so easily and can't see the traps...well, maybe the best party does win. Wake up!! We've gone hot , dry and dusty. We could really use a breath of fresh air and some clearing rain.


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