
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Adult arrests schoolie concern

AdelaideNow... Adult arrests schoolie concern:

"Official police figures show arrests at the schoolies festival doubled this year, with 23 people arrested on Friday, nine on Saturday and another 12 on Sunday. Twenty-nine were non school-leavers, with most arrested for behavioural offences.

There were 22 arrests last year, 21 of which were adults."

You know, this really is a step forward. Firstly the schoolies seem to have co operated and seem to have been the ones who did the right thing. Secondly, we are looking at the picture with the frame straight. We are getting a better idea of who is doing what. That in itself will be a help. I think we need to keep talking to the young ones because quite clearly a lot of young people can have a good time without harming others and themselves. We also need to arm the young ones with information - what to look for, what to look out for, what procedures to adopt to help themselves and others. How to manage difficult and unwelcome behaviour. As a community, we need to know exactly who is doing what so we know what messages to give each other. When everyone looks out, then the police will find it easier to target the right people and groups in their own way. I am really happy we are talking to each other and sharing information because that is how you keep people safe and how you manage massive events like this. It also means credit is given where credit is due because, as I keep saying, the good people keep being smothered by the few who are negative and destructive and so the good are overlooked and the bad get all the acknowledgement and time.

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