
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Craig Mottram

ABC Sport Online - Commonwealth Games 2006: "'I was hit from behind by Baddeley. I think he was pushed initially, I'm not sure by who, but don't worry I'll find out, and then he fell onto me.

'It was just a racing accident.'

The general consensus amongst Mottram's rivals was the fall was just a normal part of racing the 1,500m.

Brannen claimed Mottram had only himself to blame, believing the Australian could have avoided the fall had he been leading the field."

I have found the Commonwealth Games very relaxing and enjoyable. I have been in awe of the level of expertise put before us and impressed with the positive nature of the athletes. They take the knocks with a great deal of aplomb! Craig must have been hugely disappointed as we all were. We were all in there for him because he narrowly missed a win the other night in a carefully mapped race. This guy is no fool and he is very conscientious in his approach so it would have stung him not to be able to race because he fell. Congratulations to the New Zealand guy,Nick Willis for winning gold. I hope Craig now goes on to do well in Japan and reap the reward for his dedication. The running was full of mishaps last night with the baton stuff up for Matt Shirvington in the relay so that he couldn't run his best and then Tamsin Lewis and the place muddle. It has been a great games though and the human stories have only added to what has been an inspirational meet. I am certain the impact on the community will last past the closing ceremony.

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