
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Working mothers have better health

Working mothers have better health :

"But the results of a study that followed more than 2600 British women for nearly 30 years suggest that women juggling the multiple roles of wife or partner, mother and worker had better longer-term health than stay-at-home mums or childless women.

Women with the multiple 'roles' of worker, wife and mother were also less likely to become obese, compared with those who stayed at home."

Well, I guess we'd better keep working then , shall we since it is doing us all such a world of good. How come retired women are all smiles and their skin is healthier and they can laugh again? I don't think it's as straigh forward as it appears here. Some women become really frazzled by trying to balance home and work. Some have the terrible tearing of their lives between work expectations and family. Some get depressed. Our mothers and grandmothers were living quite long lives and were quite hail and hearty though frail in old age. We seem to have all sorts of medical ailments and breast cancer to contend with. I should reallly like to see this analysed fully. Working women probably look after themselves better in terms of looks but many feel trapped and miserable. Perhaps like stay at home mums felt trapped and miserable. Some work is good. I guess it would come down to that thing called balance.

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