
Saturday, December 17, 2005

Potted Cheese

I am preparing for Christmas with my to do list and it's a leisurely pace so far. I have made my fruit cake and today I made the short bread. This year I put almond flakes in it just to be a bit different and the official taster and quality control expert certainly approved. The potted cheese and pudding are brewing nicely. Potted cheese is handy. I use it on vegies to liven them up but it's a nice spread on crackers and fresh bread. I have my own recipe but this one is pretty good:

Potted Cheese

Chef: Annie Learmonth

You need:

225g cheese
110g butter, softened
40mls sherry
¼ teaspoon ground mace
½ teaspoon mustard powder
salt and freshly milled black pepper

Cheese can be leftover stilton, cheddar, goats etc.


Grate the cheese into a mixing bowl, and then add the rest of the ingredients. Now beat it all together like mad until you have a very fluffy smooth paste. Taste and season as required with salt and pepper, then pack the mixture into an earthenware pot. Leave the potted cheese in a cool place until ready to serve. Serve with cheese crackers or oat biscuits. Great for toast or toasted under the grill 'til brown and bubbling.

Potted Cheese

It literally keeps for ages. I use 250 gms of tasty cheddar cheese and get about 5 mustard sized pots. I do not use butter, I use margarine. Butter goes too hard and I find it too rich. I add a very good tablespoon of celery seeds and a good amount of ground black pepper. Yum! Posted by Picasa

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