
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Cyclones? Don't blame climate change

News in Science - Cyclones? Don't blame climate change -

"'These last two years were probably the most severe ... since the satellite era began [about 40 years ago],' he says.

But he says evidence linking this to climate change is inconclusive or lacking."

We live in an age of inclusivity. Can't get the right data or valid data. The data is always spurious and unreliable for one reason or another so we wander around with vague notions these days and it makes us vulnerable. We can now get great pictures of cyclones because the satellite technology has improved. We can track them, describe them...but we can't say if they are more frequent, more intense or more destructive than before because we now have different technology. More people live in places where cyclones hit so they certainly cost more. Knowing they are coming is not necessarily a protection to those being hit by a cyclone. Sea levels are rising so we can increase the water damage. So, what are we poor earthlings to do? What is the best advice you can provide us with? Should we live elsewhere? Should we develop cyclone proof housing? Should we relocate around the world? What can we do about the rising sea levels? If more damage and death will occur, how can we protect ourselves from that?

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