
Sunday, January 01, 2006

Stupidity fuels road carnage

The Advertiser: 'Stupidity fuels road carnage :

"ALMOST a third of motorists responsible for fatal car crashes last year had been disqualified from driving at least once, with some recording 10 or more offences."

It doesn't say in the article if the ones disqualified were driving again without a licence or were being picked up after they had regained their licences. 10 or more offences? Obviously the rules do not apply to them. They are not stupid. They are above the law and getting away with it. They apply their own rules and follow through on them. They are a protected species. The rest of us obey the rules, feel hurt when we get it wrong and learn our lessons. If this is happening inspite of the crackdown and the the concerted efforts by police, then these drivers really are above the law and only follow their own rules.

"Data from police, Forensics SA and Transport SA also shows:

35 PER CENT of drivers and passengers killed in road crashes failed to wear seat belts.

THE number of multiple fatality accidents more than trebled to 19 in 2005.

EIGHTY per cent of drivers and riders were responsible for the crashes in which they were killed.

DRINK-DRIVING was one of the main factors in fatal crashes, second only to inattention."

Responsibility is something you learn. If you have no regard for your own life, you are unlikely to care about the consequences for others which might result from your own behaviour. These people need skilled and trained behaviour management personnel. What would you do if people shot themselves and others with guns? They are killing themselves and others with cars. I do not see the difference.

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