
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Scientists unveil cause of Parkinson's

The Advertiser: Scientists unveil cause of Parkinson's :

"They believe by designing a drug which inhibits dopamine from interacting with alpha-synuclein they may be able to halt progression of the disease, which is characterised by tremors, a slow, shuffling gait and eventually, difficulties in speaking."

This is indeed heartwarming news because I know and have known quite a few people who have had to deal with Parkinson's disease in their family and then , of course, there is Pope John Paul II; Muhammed Ali and Michael J. Fox, people we have all known and seen suffering from this afflication and their magnificent capacity to cope and live inspite of it. For those last two, this may well be of help as it would be for anyone else who is suffering from the disease. It is a very sad thing when you watch lively human beings slowly attacked by such a degenerative disease. Understanding the mechanism is often how we discover effective treatments.

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