
Monday, November 14, 2005

No food, no jobs

The Advertiser: SPECIAL REPORT:
Cheap food has a high price

"'Employment across the food industry value chain has fallen from the record levels of 2003/04 to 132,800 jobs (10,000 jobs or eight per cent)."

No food - no jobs. Lose our food industries, which have been significant emplyers in this state...and no jobs. So who got the 10, 000 jobs we lost, primarily on food manufacturing. Decisions are starting to have consequences. Ms. Beer says it all:

"We could be the centre of excellence in all spheres of food in South Australia - real excellence, not hype. To do so, we need a huge commitment from a really food-savvy Government, one that permeates every strand of this industry to maximise our potential."

Nothing should come between us and our food because people recognise it as top quality.

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