
Monday, November 14, 2005

Egg crisis

The Advertiser: SPECIAL REPORT:
75c a dozen egg crisis

"THE dumping of cheap interstate eggs in South Australia has pushed the price down to 75 cents a dozen in some major supermarkets."

75 cents a dozen?? Where? I paid 4.98 for mine at the supermarket yesterday. Something is really going wrong with our food supply chain. This article is highlighting the plight of our egg producers and when business which have been around fr 40+ years are suddenly desperate, soemthing is VERY wrong. I have never particularly looked where eggs are sourced. We have been big chicken and egg producers and I have assumed locally I suppose now that I have been made to think about it. The egg producers are giving awsy eggs to help us understand they are in trouble. It's unbelievable. After over 40 years of successful business and now, over night it's all up the creek. I thought I blogged not long ago about us being the state to produce chickens and then , presumably, eggs. Why has it gone like this all of a sudden? We have to understand the mechanism by which this is going wrong because we are starting to lose our fresh markets and our own ones. No local food and we are going to be pretty dependent as well as ill nourished. SA has always had sound food industries. Nothing's as sure as eggs anymore. I am fed up with it.

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