
Friday, October 27, 2006

World of fashion on our doorstep

AdelaideNow... World of fashion on our doorstep:

"Business SA chief executive Peter Vaughan said Adelaide's booming economy made it an attractive market for fashion designers and retailers."

I am not surprised quality clothing is doing well because we like it!! We may hang around in leggings and trakkie daks at the weekend or after work, but we do like nice things here and we are prepared to pay for quality. Cheaper than flying overseas to get it and some of us make trips to Melbourne to get shoes , in particular. Adelaide never seems to carry the right shoes. Not good quality ones and not a range. It would be nice to reverse that because Adelaide would make a nice weekend away from the bustle and would be a good place just to browse and we do. Last couple of weeks I have grabbed some great baragains and the quality has come back. The main thing is not to overstock and to have plan be if one of the lines is not popular because I confess we are a bit narrow in our choices because there are not so many of us. No many people here go for the way out clothes. We used to be really good at fashion but we have become a bit ordinary. It's the older ones looking for quality driving the market at the moment I should think. Lots of Adelaidians live here and work interstate or have to go overseas on business trips. That also influences what we need. What I like is that people have time to talk to you about what you are choosing if you want to spend that time on that kind of conversation. I have found that approach very helpful. Not everyone knows what tehy are talking about but the bulk of our people know what they are selling and know it well. There's an enthusiasm there about their products. I like that. I cannot stand people who are clueless. They never get my money. I go elsewhere.

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