
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's wet!

In summer we would sometimes have a glorious tropical downpour in Adelaide to help relieve the heat and dry. That hasn't been the case for a while now, but these 5 days of downpours and freezing cold have been welcomed with open arms. We have green things growing in our gardens. We have wetness. There is no dust to irritate our eyes and lungs. Some of us are toughing it out with blankets, winter woollies and snuggly socks. Some of us are heading straight for the heating. We are not complaining. We say it's cold. We say it's wet and then we laugh. It's great. Just great. The birds are chirping, the insects are coming out of their flooded abodes and some people have possums to keep an eye on. You don't want them and their all night poker parties in your roof. The rats are out too. Their homes must have been flooded. Hate them. As themselves they are interesting...but you do not want them around your home. Horrid things. So we are rugged up with books, DVDs, TV and laptops...but our bodies have slowed right down.It is really hard to get them going! We are remarkably relaxed considering we are so wet and cold!

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