
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Swine Flu in Adelaide?

Just today at lunch time we were talking about the swine flu and what it might mean. Some people thought we had no cases in Australia but we set them straight. We now have 12 suspected cases in Adelaide and suspected cases are popping up around Australia. It is a virus which is being chased around the world now. What I really am impressed with is how so many governments have put very quick preventative and safety measures in to action. I don't think it will further anything to flap and carry on like a pork chop. It is really important that we keep our thinking clear so that we take sound actions. A lot of countries are doing this and the good thing is we have global communication and so countries will be able to help each other. That is important in containing this. We were wondering if we would have to stay home. Getting food would become a problem but then we were laughing at what we might have to survive on for a month if we were not allowed out of home. That was hilarious. What we weren't clear about is if they actually have something which will deal with this virus or not because we seem to have mixed messages as usual. They either have something or they don't. We were not worried as such because we thought the information was being discussed well and we thought people in authority were taking good steps to ensure the virus is contained...and that is the important bit. It needs to be contained.

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