
Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Electronic goods guzzling power

Electronic goods guzzling power
: "A typical 1970s home contained just 17 energy-using products such as washing machines.

Three decades later juicers and electric toothbrushes have helped to double the number of electricity-hungry items in the average household."

Tell me about it! Even when you want to be good the electronic goods produced these days do not help you. Everything comes with a clock, a light, a standby mechanism and a set up procedure. Some people have gone back to non electric clocks because of the number of black outs or power glitches and/or failures. You cannot just unplug things or turn them off to save electricity because the gadget demands to be reset. It's a real pain. The little lights are not necessary nor is standby really. I have a mouse with a light which never goes off. Unplugging the mouse and plugging it back in is annoying. And therein lies the rub. We are told to save power and energy but the techno gizmos do not help us because they are no longer designed to go on and off. Increasingly they are there to drive us round the twist and force us to comply with their needs...and all they are is a lump of plastic and soldered bits. We have got some great gadgets but they are not very smart and they are very tetchy. I do not believe the world is serious about saving energy.

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