
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Guide to Sexual Behaviour

Guide released to help parents judge sexual behaviour - ABC News
"It's really targeted at parents, and carers, and professionals who are unsure, probably because we don't talk about sexuality and sexual behaviours just what's OK for young people and what's not OK and how we should be able to help them."

It is so unfortunate we have got ourselves so confused we can no longer recognise normal and aberrant or age inappropriate sexual behaviour but I think media images have muddied the waters and so this is a sound and sensible move. A lot of adults will probably feel relieved to find straight forward, no nonsense help such as this. If the guide promotes discussion out in the open about the behaviour of children then we shall have a much clearer picture in our own heads about what is normal and what is not.. As adults we'll be less confused and we'll respond instead of reacting. It is important that we respond because we do not wish to further confuse children...If we are confused we won't make very good guides. This guide will help adults formulate appropriate responses to what is occurring, but the most important thing is that people have come out to help schools deal with this. They cannot simply be left to get on with it because everyone is reacting and no one is helping to solve the problems which are occurring.

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