
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Weakening World Economy

Big Four's $4.6bn hit as fallout spreads worldwide | The Australian
The US dollar, meanwhile, tumbled against the euro in foreign exchange trading and oil prices slid as markets worried about falling demand for energy amid a weakening world economy, traders said.

Going down! Up down up down...down down...Is that right? The world economy is weakening because the US dollar is sliding? One nation can take the world financial markets down? Who thought that plan up? Surely we don't have all the world's riches pegged to one country? I think we need a better global financial plan. Who thought that one up? Not financial experts surely? If we invested like that we'd be told to divide up our assets and invest in different sorts of income creating projects. We'd be told not to put all our income into one thing. So how come the world has got it all in one basket? I need this explained to me. We need to put our eggs in different baskets!

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