
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Second phase of hoon laws

Hoon drivers target of crackdown :

"The first phase of the new laws, which came into effect in February, involved creating new offences of misuse of a vehicle and of failing to obey a police order to reduce noise from a car stereo.

Both offences carry a maximum fine of $1,250.

The second phase, effective from today, gives police the power to impound vehicles for 48 hours where drivers are suspected of being involved in hoon behaviour."

Since the first part was introduced there has been a bit of an improvement. Not as much as I would have thought. I couldn't believe a young guy at the lights on Sunday who spun his tyres and then took off in a squealing cloud of smoke. To his credit, he actually did it quite smoothly and stuck to the speed limit ..but honestly. Where do they get the money to pay for the tyres? There has been a lot less squealing around the streets. The police have been doing their random breath testing and picking up a lot of young people who are driving under the influence of other things besides alcohol or both. It's a surprising number. Cheech and Chong live on in SA. You don't actually see that many dopey people around the place. Saturday night , though, there was a guy having trouble keeping his car straight and getting it in his driveway when I was out near the city. I thought we'd got over the DUI stuff. It's all come back. The police are having success catching our speeding young ones with spikes across the road, too. If they want to go chasing around Adelaide , police have changed their tack, I'm pleased to say, and are using road spikes to slow the speeding maniacs down so they can be caught. Giving too much chase was only buying into the game of Uproar which was being played.

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