
Sunday, February 27, 2005

Feral Animals

Feral Animals - Introduction:

"Every mammal used by humans, with the exception of sheep, has become feral. This includes horses, cattle, goats, pigs, donkeys, camels, water buffaloes, dogs, cats, rabbits and foxes. Since humans created the problem, they also have an obligation to solve it in a humane way."

This gives an indication of the feral animal problem we have. The animal liberation organisation tries its best to ensure we use humane methods to deal with the excess animals. Some are quite dangerous and some totally ruin our crops. It's a huge issue in Australia and can heat up very quickly. It's something, given the size of our country, which needs to be done in a more professional way. We certainly have the biodiversity experts and animal welfare people now and they should be used to determine a sensible, viable approach to our feral animal problems. Time to put the hotch potch behind us.

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