
Friday, August 22, 2008

Woman gets new heart valve through groin

Woman gets new heart valve through groin: "'With this new technology, we can offer more patients a better prognosis, sparing them surgery and a months-long recovery period, which all huge benefits, especially if you're in your 80s or 90s.'"

Even if you are not in your 80s and 90s. I nursed a family member over Christmas and the New Year who had had an aortic valve and a mitral valve replaced. Surviving the operation is the first thing. Then there are so many tricky things to do with blood viscosity and pressure, then the healing of the leg from the bypass...and trying to deal with the healing of the rib cage. It is all very demanding stuff on the body. I did learn that it's important to be there for someone who has had open heart surgery and I learned that people can be so courageous.To replace the valve through the groin would cut out so much pain and healing time. It would radically reduce the strain on the body and the strain on those looking after the person. This is a fantastic breakthrough which is so inline with our millennium because it is so much less traumatic all round.

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