
Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bono Sees Red at Edun

Bono Sees Red at Edun, Dishes on His Global Plan for a New Brand :

"Having lost a significant percentage of the world trade since the 1970s, Africa is missing out on billions of dollars a year that could dramatically improve its current crisis situation. Alongside Edun, Bono and Bobby Shriver have teamed up with Georgio Armani, American Express, Converse and The Gap, on another fashion and luxury front for Red, a brand designed to further engage the consumer about this state of 'emergency.'"

Bono and his wife Ali have already done a considerable amount in helping to fight against AIDS in Africa , but he is now on the ethical goods trail, the greenwash, the way of getting big companies and names to think about how they are utilising under developed nations to create profit for themselves with little or no regard for the people of the country. Ethical goods are starting to make a significant impact on our market. We don't like to think people or animals are being treated badly just so we can get things at a better price. Some poeple think this is a bad idea because it gives companies like Nike a chance to salve their consciences. I should have thought it was a good thing. If people like Bono can rally us and inform us , then we, the consumers, can put our money into products where the nations have been given good working conditions and where they share in the profits. I don't want little children embroidering my clothes unless they want to for a while each day. There is nothing wrong with constructive activities. When companies use that to make long, hard hours for children and their families, that is disgusting. I want to know these people are given a fair wage as I am.Bono is trying to use his bioethical goods as a way of raising more funds for his AIDS programme. We need more initiatives like this because most of us want to help other people not do them in.

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