
Monday, January 28, 2008

Saying sorry not a priority

AdelaideNow... Saying sorry not a priority : "'Whatever the attitude of Australians towards this generation apologising for things done by earlier generations, you really have got to ask yourself is this the highest priority for the Australian parliament,' Dr Nelson said."

Whether individuals wish to say sorry or not is not relevant. We need to do this nationally in order to be one nation which has bridged the indigenous-non-indigienous gap...the very fact I have to write that speaks for itself! We need a government which sees us as one.Yes, we do need to see ourselves as one people who are all equals and the sorry thing puts us all on the same page, on a better path. Is is important because it will continue to undo us and unpick at our seams. It is important and needs to be done. We think so and have done for along time. All the other issues relevant to us as a nation can be dealt with as well. We can do more than one thing at a time.

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