
Thursday, February 09, 2006

Pentagon stalling Senate probe into pre-war intel on Iraq -

Pentagon stalling Senate probe into pre-war intel on Iraq -:

"The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) investigation, titled Phase II, is being held up by a report from the Pentagon’s Inspector General on Feith’s role in manipulating pre-war intelligence to justify the 2003 U.S.-led INVASION OF IRAQ. Feith, who is under FBI investigation for his role in an Israeli spy scandal, resigned in January last year."

I tend to view this very simply because on the same page as this there is a heading : "U.S. triples spending to counter Iraq bombings." If you look at the cost...and what is the cost in terms of money and loss of life, because as is usual these days, different figures are quoted in different places, it has cost way too much in fiscal and human terms to remove one leader. Other leaders come considerably cheaper. So, from where I sit, I think we are way past the stage of the blame game. The truth is there and it will always be the truth. It cannot be changed and it's out there somewhere. But, we have to stop this. It has gone on for too long and it is costing too much and it is too complicated. So, as I see it, the sooner we find out how this all went wrong, because at the price this has come it cannot be judged to be right, the better. Once we understand the mechanism we can go, oh yes, I knew that, well, yes, that was so obvious and well, I do declare that is shocking, once we go through all our ritual outrage, we can get over it and move our world, our money and our people into a much more positive direction and we shall understand how never to repeat that mistake again. As it stands it's one mass killing after another and one lot of millions after another. Were all that money spent on schools,spacecraft, communication, medical research, ship building, shopping centres, name it ; we would be looking at something awesome. So get to the bottom of it , for heaven's sake, clear it up and MOVE ON. It's like throwing money at a black hole. Good money after bad. Get a hold of the accountants and sort this out.

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