
Friday, December 21, 2007

Will taking vitamin B stop mosquitoes biting you?

Will taking vitamin B stop mosquitoes biting you? :

"# wear long, loose, light-coloured clothing
# use a repellent containing DEET or picaridin (avoid your face and wash your hands after applying, make sure kids use one that's suitable for them)
# sleep under a mosquito net and close any unscreened windows
# keep your home and garden free of mozzie breeding sites."

In my 20s I was always being bitten by mozzies and came out in big red lumps. Then it stopped. I am hardly ever bitten and it just turns into a tiny dot which isn't even itchy. I often wondered why. I do take Vit B on a regular basis. Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't. I don't wear perfume anymore. It would be really good to know why some people get bitten badly and why. At the time it was very upsetting because the lumps were so big and itchy...and everywhere. Made me very self conscious. My daughter gets bitten but not that much. It doesn't seem to be odd. It would be good to have a definitive answer. In my experience women and children are much more troubled by mozzie bites than men.

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