
Sunday, March 20, 2005

Another senseless death

The Advertiser: Died in my arms [20mar05]: "They said the woman had attempted to escape her killer by running from her parked car. But he pursued the woman, grabbed her and slashed her throat just 30m away in what police described as a 'violent and very deliberate attack'."

Why are relationships ending in death in Adelaide? Last time I checked statistics 8/10 murders in Adelaide were by someone who knew you, one was random and the other was by a woman who was a victim of domestic violence. It would appear our statistics are staying on target. I don't understand why , when we are a pretty quiet community, you suddenly get these alarmingly violent deaths between partners. Killing the opposition was never on the cards, never figured in the to do list when having a row or dipute with your partner. It is all very final and finite and increasingly the general public is being given roles in these crimes of terror. The woman who died was being terrorised. At least the lady who helped her had the courage to stay and not let her die alone, but she was putting herself at risk as well. The police must be getting exhausted by our uncustomary bloodshed around town.

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