
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Lib candidate dumped over blog outburst

AdelaideNow... Lib candidate dumped over blog outburst: "THE Liberal Party will dump a candidate accused of an offensive outburst against a senior female politician on his internet blog site, federal Treasurer Peter Costello says."

The news sites seem to have worked hard at shutting this story down and it's a bit unfortunate, really, because we have a lot to learn from it. I believe Hamish Jones is in his young 20s. I believe, to become a liberal candidate at that age he must have impressed someone along the way. He seems to like young people, films, blogs. I also believe he has now resigned his position. I think if people thought he was worth having as a candidate, there is reason to believe he is worth teaching and mentoring. He was probably picked to appeal to the young vote and maybe young people would see what he did differently.Maybe not. He seems to have vented and been very personal but that sometimes happens in blogs and as a political candidate there is that to learn. What you can say and where. I think we are a bit precious if we believe no one is going to get angry and that they are just going to let off all that steam carefully as it comes out. And no, it's never flattering. I think we are unhealthy if we think people can bottle up their anger. Young people take very readily to the air to vent and they mostly just laugh it off or get caught up in the emotion of it for a bit. I am surprised he could not let off steam elsewhere. If he's angry there will be a reason. It may not be the one which is currently promoted but it may be something which hit a nerve and then he was not able to bottle his emotions because he is young. It's something people learn as they grow older and then nothing seems to bother anyone much when they are old. It's the internet and the publicness which is constantly putting people into the limelight when usually this would all be taking place and only a few would know. We do have to have our emotional times and older people do need to show younger people the ropes. They do not just know what to do and if you are used to the Net and YouTube and whatever then this trial by internet is doing a lot of damage to various people no matter what their age or position. I think we need to look at that and think hard about what it is doing to us.

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