
Sunday, July 31, 2005


The Advertiser: Gangs use trolley bars in brawls :

"'They roam the streets . . . they just run amok and start trouble – tagging (painting graffiti), breaking into places and vandalising schools,' said a former gang member, who did not want to be named."

They are using shopping trolley bars abd bicycle wheel spokes as weapons. Where has all this need for gangs and fighting come from? Where's the need for weapons and rival gangs? I wonder why they want to be violent and tough? How far backwards are we going? Golden Grove was built to be a lifestyle and family choice. This must be great for people living up there! Adelaide has got to stop kids dictating the terms of our existence. In their twenties they seem friendly enough and dynamic but teenagers are quite the ugly dicklings around here at the moment and it is nice and obvious. The weapons are hid at bus stops and the supermarkets have had to change their trolleys. They hide the stuff at bus stops. Kids. Are these bored kids with no interests? No sport, no art, no music, no Vet. Why? Why aren't they involved in any number of things? I saw a little kid at the shops yesterday. He was about 9 and togged out in his footy gear and standing guarding the back of his Dad's car. I saw Dad and little brother ( similarly togged out) and older sister going back to the car. The little boy said good morning to me, which is quicte unusual in the car parks here.It was lovely. I said good morning back and asked about the footy and his eyes lit up and said it was a big match today. Dad and the the kids were chatting out of the shops. This was a family doing Saturday morning family things and the three kids were as happy as larry. If the kids want to fight, get them into kick boxing or something. Tug-o-war. It's mad they are beating each other up for kicks.

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