
Monday, September 10, 2007

City out of water by next summer

City out of water by next summer : "University of Adelaide water expert Mike Young said improved rains this year had only matched losses from evaporation, meaning current consumption is depleting what little reserves remain in the system."

Seems very odd that countries with much higher populations...much higher populations ,can cater to the water needs of their citizens. It's really pretty drastic if we are so short of water but no one at the top seems to be that bothered by our cities running out of water. New buildings are built without tanks to catch rain water. Planning goes ahead without due regard for water management...but here we are likely to run out. All that seems to concern people is the lack of skills and the drop in tourism. Who is going to live in a country where you use a cup of water to clean your teeth, a bucket of water to flush the toilet and you pee on the lemon tree? It is not really very upmarket nor civilised. Who is going to live in a country where you cannot flush at will and where we bucket water plants or not at all? Who wants to live anywhere where there is no water to sustain animals and plant life and where growing your own fresh food is a problem and the river is running dry? How inviting is that? So, put the two together and get us water!

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