
Thursday, June 16, 2005

Dr. Red

This Brisbane Vineyard has been the talk of the whole of Australia since it was featured on Good Morning Australia. The Ginger Punch has been tested in hospital laboratories and has destroyed all 3 forms of prostate cancer cells. There was a great 95 year old man on with the vineyard owner and he swore by the stuff. Consequently, as you will see from the site, the vineyard has been swamped with enquiries. It adds to what others have been saying before :poor nutrition and cancer appear to be linked and a good diet of whole foods will help. The Ginger Punch though appears to really pack a punch if it can deliver a knock out blow to cancer cells! They are going to carry on with further tests before they do the clinical tests on humans.

" Brisbane’s Vineyard, under the leadership of biochemist Greg Jardine, has introduced a range of wine products and a ginger concentrate aptly branded Dr Red that are packed full of antioxidants. Dr Red was introduced to the world on 31 st March 2003 . Red wine has a third of the grape antioxidants, Dr Red has 100%."

Dr. Red

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