
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Two-tiered net could be coming

Two-tiered net could be coming: "'Whether they are doing deals with websites or hindering potentially competitive services, they have to be absolutely clear. Consumers need to know that they have access to everything or not so they can make a fair decision about which service to use,' said Mr Fogg."

I wonder. Money. Money. Money. It always comes down to that. It's surprising we cannot actually change it to suit society rather than business. So who and what are the bandwidth hogs? Who has done anything about the dead sites using up space? Who is going to? When are we actually going to clean up our web? In my opinion I'd be happy to see gaming shifted onto its own tier and porn sites too. I'd be more than happy to see us stratify in a way which suits us and I'd be more than happy for us to be consulted since we are the users , we are paying and we embraced this. It's a success because of the development hours we put in. Funny how that then all gets changed into making money for someone else. The providers do have to be acknowledged and encouraged. They have done the hard yards too. The Net is a double edged sword at the moment. There are things which attract us and will continue to attract us but there have been some restrictive changes and even destruction of things we liked. The Net is us. We all need a say and that has been one of the key features of the web which is so impressive.

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