
Thursday, February 17, 2005

French uranium company keen on Kakadu

French uranium company keen on Kakadu - Breaking News -

Our uranium seems popular all of a sudden. I gather we aren't worried. Last time we sold uranium to the French they practised their nuclear testing on Mururoa Atoll and quite rightly told us that if we didn't want nuclear testing in our neck of the woods not to sell them the uranium. I've lost track of what is happening with Western Mining up north and whether we have actually sold it to the infamous Xstrata. Everyone knows about Xtrata, we even have been discussing it in our papers but Mr. Costello has been happy to look at the deal. But there's more!!
Australia in uranium talks with China.

As you know North Korea and Iran aren't allowed to have uranium so I don't suppose we'll be talking to them. Is fossil fuel running out, are we by passing oil or are we feeling a bit bellicose?? I would have thought we'd 've had enough of recarpeting with nuclear textiles.

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