
Saturday, February 10, 2007

States must perform to receive health funds

States must perform to receive health funds, Abbott says. : "'Are the states really running public hospitals as well as the can be run? Are the state public hospitals really putting the Commonwealth dollar to good value uses?' he said.

'I think they'll have to demonstrate that in the months ahead.'"

And is the Federal Government really performing and making the best possible use of our tax dollars? Is the Commonwealth running as best it can. The Commonwealth IS the states. WE are the Commonwealth. While you put more pressure on docters, nurses and hospital administrators to prove they are doing their best, while they are mopping people up and keeping them well, dealing with burns, cancer and crime victims, let us know how well you are managing our dollar in Canberra. This constant sniping by the Federal government is very debilitating. They are constantly fault finding, constantly criticising, constantly picking holes in others. Not really a visionary, positive lot at the moment, are they?

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