
Friday, February 09, 2007

PM says water torture won't wash

AdelaideNow... PM says water torture won't wash: "The Howard Government wants the four states which control the Murray-Darling system to hand control of the rivers to the Commonwealth in exchange for a huge upgrade of irrigation infrastructure and measures to address water over-allocations."

There has been a lot of state bashing from the Federal Government. It's as if the states are no longer competent and that state leaders have suddenly lost it. There are a number of big criticisms against the states from our federal leaders...the water, the disability stuff, the health issues, nationalising education. The threats are there too, so it's not really about negotiating.It would appear to me that the Federal Government, now it has control of the work places , wishes to control other major services...water, education, health and run them from Canberra because our states are so useless. Well, why did we have federation and keep our states? I don't like this at all because it's not true. Our state leaders know our states. They are not perfect but they are in the position to know our state needs and we can access them and get our voices heard. If it all runs from Canberra, like the workplace stuff, well, ...oh , sorry, I forgot. How silly of me. Of course we do not know how to run the country.

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