
Friday, February 09, 2007

New weight loss regime

New weight loss regime: "The first person to be implanted with the pacemaker-like device, which blocks hunger nerves, lost 20 kilograms in a year without changing her dietary habits or exercise regime.

The Adelaide medical centre was one of three in the world to trial the new device, developed by EnteroMedics Inc."

Sounds too good to be true!! Change nothing and lose weight. How happy would that make people? Getting rid of the weight might actually get people to deal with their levels of fitness. It might not necessarily teach them about nutrition, but it would have to break a major hurdle for them. This device has been developed through observation and then testing and the article at least explains the line of thought and how it all came to be. Quite clever really and tells me the researchers are on the ball. I hope all goes well with this device because so many people would love to lose weight...and then we need to get hold of them and teach them how to be healthy. It would be so fantastic for people to get a kick start like this.

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