
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Pain au Raisin

I am so happy!! Ecstatic! Youpi! I went to the markets in town today and as I wandered and enjoyed the eyes popped open! There before me were pain au raisin. Have you any idea how dedicated I am to these delicious delights? I have to travel for hours over to New Caledonia to get them at the markets there for 70XPF. I just so love them!! So I bought one, thinking it would taste like an Adelaide version of something French like our baguette which is way too doughy. No! Not only was the guy really friendly and nice...the petit pain au raisin was just so perfect. I know because they make me feel a bit nauseous after because they are so buttery. This is how dedicated I am! Do you know, though, in Adelaide they don't call them pain au raisin. They call them Escargots!! Don't care what they call them as long as they are the real, I just have to get them to make Brioche...I heard there was a bakery in Magill...

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