
Monday, September 04, 2006

Why teens won't get out of bed early

AdelaideNow... Why teens won't get out of bed early:

"Lack of sleep can also compromise a teenager's immune system, making them more susceptible to diseases, as well as depression, anxiety and obesity. UniSA consultant in children's sleep Sarah Blunden said adolescents were the most sleep deprived members of the community."

Teenagers are supposed to get 9 hours sleep a night and perform better in the early evening. Our school times are all wrong and we shouldn't worry they sleep in. I also heard they have to sleep more because they are growing. So how does all this research fit in with how they are expected to be? In many respects they have little time just to be themselves and they do not have the pleasure of seemingly endless of the feeling I treasure from my own growing up. No wonder they are all skitter skattered. I wonder how many of them have to look after young children and hold the home together while parents work long hours? A good look at real family life might be interesting!!

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