
Monday, September 04, 2006

Irwin died 'doing what he loved best'.

Irwin died 'doing what he loved best'. :

"Police say the 44-year-old died when was stung through the chest by a stingray while diving off Port Douglas.

John Stainton says the fatal incident was unprovoked."

Steve Irwin and dead are not actually words which belong in the same sentence so it took us a while to work out this was actually true. We went through the process of thinking we had misunderstood and that it was something which was hypothetical and not real. When we did realise it was true, then we just couldn't get it stuck into our heads. Heaven knows how his wife and family are coping because we are so full of disbelief. He was so well known to us. So full of energy and life. He was always doing risky things but he had such a love of nature and such a way with the most dangerous of them. He was an icon, a human. Someone who kept kids spellbound and who made adults laugh because he was so fearless and put nature above all else. He cared about our animals and environment. When you think about it he was probably always going to have something like this happen because he was undaunted in his will to understand what made wildlife tick. People like Steve Irwin do not come along very often. They are unique and irresistible. They had no hope of saving him even though they tried and it's true, he died right there with the things he cared about the most. I am certain his family will miss him and will take time to accept someone so full of life and purpose is gone. Our thoughts are with him. It's a sad, sad day.

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