
Friday, July 07, 2006


You, too, can make a cool logo at Flaming Text.

This flaming text fits my flaming mood! I am so angry. I had come home from work, had a lovely chocolate cake baking in the oven and was trying to fix my poor old washing machine when I had to answer the door. So much for a nice start to the weekend. So much for trying to kick back and relax. When are these utilities companies going to work out I do not want to keep changing? I do not want to keep going from one company to the other? The guy was getting pretty aggressive with me because I didn't want his cheaper price. He was telling me I was stupid because I didn't want to change. He demanded to see my electricity bill and identification!! What? Friday night and I might have spoiled for a fight but I decided I was going to exhaust him and his insulting manner. He didn't accept I was going to make my own mind up on this. He fiiiiinally accepted I was sick of changing and filling out forms. I had to talk pretty damn hard to outtalk him and his spiel. I have had it with utilities companies. I want gas, electricity and a phone line. I don't want unsolicited calls to my silent number and I don't want sales people who think I'm a dimwit. I don't want sales people at all. Don't call me, I'll call you. I just want to pay a reasonable price and I just want utilities in my home. I do not want to chop and change. I do not want to be told I am stupid and do this, do that, show me this , show me that. I just want utilities. That's what they are. Chopping and changing, shopping around, going from one to another is so time consuming and time wasting. They are utilities for crying out loud. Same with the bank. I just want a bank to be my bank. I don't want to have to keep changing the way I operate and I want to be in control of my money. I don't want exorbitant fees for the press of a button on a machine or a computer. It is really annoying. Worse than that. Some things in life need to be stable. Utilities and banking are staples. Just sort it out will you and then let me be a customer. I am appalled by the way I am treated and irritated by people who want to sell me yet another plan. To my credit I got the game plan I wanted and he left smiling and accepted my point of view, but crikey, I had to work damn hard on behalf of the company who supplies me with my gas and electricity. Sod it. I am so annoyed!!

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