
Monday, June 26, 2006

'Expand or dump media rules'

'Expand or dump media rules' :

"'What it is for me is it's about tremendous choice for everybody, where they get their information, what information they want, where they can put their views out,' he told a high-powered lunch where he accepted his award."

I don't think we can just dump things without talking about it first. These decisions affect people's lifestyles and incomes. It may not be important for one so rich, but those less flush with funds are susceptible to market changes, doncha know? True, the Internet has changed things in terms of anyone being able to access anything but the sad fact is you can read the same news in several languages. There is a packet of news and it goes out in different languages. Same , to a large extent, with other media. We are in the age of homogenous media no matter where. There is The news, the book, the film, the song, the filmstar...opening it all up has actually closed it all down as far as I can tell. Maybe we need this one news so we can be Earthlings. Dunno.

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