
Monday, June 26, 2006

$5 a minute to talk to a nurse

The Advertiser: $5 a minute to talk to a nurse :

"It is understood callers would be charged $4.95/minute to receive medical advice from registered nurses. The Australian Medical Association yesterday opposed any health call centre concept, warning it only would create congestion in hospitals and provide limited help to the public."

I think this is a great idea and wouldn't be used as a health centre. I think it would be fantastic to have a nurse to call when you weren't sure whether you were worrying too much, or what you should do as the next step. I think people would be better able to manage illnesses and health issues if they could speak to someone to get some advice. Often you go to the doctor because you aren't sure. When a few questions over the phone would clarify things, then doctors would be able to do the higher level treatments and not have to put up with excess numbers when all some people need is to be sure!

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