
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Top cop wants car speed limiters

Top cop wants car speed limiters :

"Traffic Services Commander John Hartley said he would press for the introduction of speed limiters on all cars when he meets his state counterparts at the Australasian Traffic Policing Forum in Canberra this week.

The technology already exists in buses and trucks, which are limited to a maximum speed of 100kph on a flat surface."

Do they work? Are there drawbacks? Can they be altered? Punishment is not working...or doesn't appear to be and information isn't working. A lot of money is being spent trying to get through. Maybe the deterrants are the wrong ones. Maybe we need to get inside the heads and find out why these people have no social conscience because it must be so heart breaking for the police and paramedics as well as the families to deal with the realities of these disasters. Maybe the speedsters need to see the realities of their behaviour and maybe they need tailored counselling courses which they have to attend. No licence, for sure, but maybe they drive without a licence anyway, so the need sor speed si outweighing the need for commonsense. Why is that? People usually repond.Finding out what they respond to is the thing and talking and talking and talking to them until we fins out will provide the solution...but I understand the reluctance when the damage is so severe and other people are having to pick up the trauma of it all when it goes wrong. All of that has to count for something against the adrenalin rush of the speedster. Make them drive little 3 wheeler cars. I don't know. We are all trying to think and meanwhile two ambulances went out after some nutter raced around here tonight. I don't know that a lot of young people are watching television so the message would have to be broadcast in alternative media and venues. The message has to be where young people are and where they HAVE to see it.

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