
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Legless lizards

Now legless lizards and native grassland threaten development :

"Seizing on the successful bid to stop a wind farm in regional Victoria because of a minimal threat to the rare orange-bellied parrot, environmentalists are now focusing on a residential development in Melbourne's west."

Make the environmentalists sound like they are wet and stupid, heh? Property developers the world over are renowned for their lack of capacity to care about the environment. What's a lizard compared with a great big building? Go and look at the places which have been built out and look at the urban agglomerations which make everything so grey. I drove past Marion today and that has to be the ugliest eyesore of buildings, roads, car parks, concrete, roofs and bitumen. We can have both... and we have to think about it because cities are making us sick and that is why people are going back to the towns and villages to live and are fighting to keep their small communities going. There is nothing wrong with talking and listening. To make environmentalists sound stupid when we have global warming on our hands is a rather odd approach to the problem. As long as it makes money we do not care and we have done so much as a generation to deprive future generations of a healthy, happy place to live - the things we all grew up with - birds, trees, butterflies. We are so hopeless. I actually wonder who the legless lizards are.

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