Joyeuses Pâques et Happy Easter !
The Easter went down a treat and we had one of those lovely,fresh, sunny Adelaide mornings so it was great to have a cooked breakfast, a good coffee...and eggs! Suitably replete, we then spent the morning just catching up and yappity yapping and truly, it was just so nice. People are funny. It's the simplest things which can really please them. I got the most compliments for using real, cloth napkins with the meal and the Kaiser rolls, which really were tasty. Just lightly crunchy on the outside and nice tasting bread on the inside.(Thank you, Coles!) The other delectables were taken for granted. Oh, and the flowers. After the heat and before the winter bulbs I could only find some native bells and a couple of daisies , so I put them in a little vase with some greenery and a couple of bits of freckle face and people thought it was so cute. Just goes to show, you do not have to be lavish to be appreciated!
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