
Monday, March 27, 2006

Art world prays for Pro Hart

The Australian: Art world prays for Pro Hart :

"OUTBACK artist Pro Hart is clinging to life at his Broken Hill home, with his family saying he is in the final stages of motor neurone disease.

The 78-year-old has been critically ill with the debilitating disease since late last year, but his condition began to fail last week."

I have only just found this and I have nothing but utmost sympathy for Pro Hart and his family. I had a family friend who became a victim of this terrible disease and it has to be seen to be believed. I hope Pro Hart takes comfort in all his family and friends and the thousands of Austrlains who will be so saddened by this news. He is a fantastic artist. A man of great vision and so unashamedly Australian. A beautifyl, beautiful man who paints such imaginative pictures. He is almost a household name. A real icon. I am so sorry he has had to suffer such a debiltating disease and I am even sorrier his family must see him fight the good fight. I learnt a lot and am ever grateful for the knowledge. My thoughts are with them. The article says that people just love him. It's true. We do love him for himself, his view of life, his art and his boundless courage.

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