
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

SA parties focus on road development.

SA parties focus on road development.:

"South Australia's motoring body, the RAA, says Labor's road proposal is only a small part of what drivers need."

It's true. We have the new Southern Expressway and there have been some upgrades around the place, but basically our roadways need a good overhaul and a careful scrutinising. There are some well known black spots. There are pot holes and road drains which are never fixed. There are areas of wear which have been increased by flooding and there are some bizarre ways of putting in signs so that there is no indication of what the actual speed is so you have to do the default 50 just incase. Then with new housing creating heavier traffic coming onto some sections of road there needs to be some consideration of how this is managed and bike lanes in some areas mean that cars cannot stop to post letters because it means parking in the bike lane to post the letter. The Victor Harbour Road is one which really needs attention. The 100K to the McLaren Vale turn off is dangerous and then the road past there doesn't cater very well to the traffic. Yes, let's look at the roads.

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