
Saturday, February 25, 2006

Pink Martini

Pink Martini- Official site
I was so surprised I could get this at The Muses this morning. Adelaide is getting so much better with international music. If I want stuff in French I usually have to go away and buy it. I actually have bought 2 decent French CDs in Adelaide in the last 2 months. One was Hors-saison by Francis Cabrel (unbelievable) and the other was France the greatest songs ever which had the songs Le vent nous portera by Noir Désir, Je t'emmène au vent by Louise Attaque and Sympathique by Pink Martini. Pink Martini don't sing exclusively in French. They are a complete cultural cocktail of music, with language lessons on the side, and such a phenomenon!! I have only just discovered them and it was Sympathique which had me totally hooked.They sing in English, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, French....and the music is sort of 30s, sort of Cuban, sort of jazz, sort of anything they want but so beautifully presented and impeccably performed. They are just so unique and at the moment I can't get enough of them.
Hang on Little Tomato

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