
Sunday, February 26, 2006

Jamaica to Get First Female Leader

Jamaica to Get First Female Leader :

"Portia Simpson Miller, local government minister, received 1,775 votes for the party presidency, while Peter Phillips, national security minister, came in second with 1,538 ballots, said Danville Walker, director of elections at the Electoral Office of Jamaica."

Women are starting to be voted into the top positions in various countries around the world. Does it mean anything? Are people tired of men or are the women better than the men? Are we tiring of the male perspective in leadership and want to give some competent women a go or are there no men who can really contest them? Women in politics in Australia are having difficulty attaining and keeping top positions. They are very easily toppled and for no good reason really. There are some extremely competent women out there who would make good top leaders, but we really need to look at their capacity to survive and overcome what is largely media and political opposition sledging. Women don't seem to be able to withstand the slings and arrows and that's a bit sad really, because I think it's all in their minds. The ones who manage it stay at the local level and do not venture out. Time for some training!

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