
Saturday, February 25, 2006

20,000 more guns 'a worry'

The Advertiser: 20,000 more guns 'a worry' :

"THE number of guns registered in SA has surged by 20,000 in the past five years, despite measures to slash firearms ownership after the 1996 Port Arthur massacre."

If the number of licenced gun owners is declining and the number of guns is increasing what does that mean?? The licenced gun owners have decreased by a third. If they are licencing the gun, they may well need it for working or recreational purposes as a member of a gun club. They are owning more guns though. Why? Your average person doesn't need a gun. They kill. They go off accidentally. My friend's son accidentally shot himself on a visit to a farm. He didn't mean to, but she doesn't have a son anymore. People get angry, doped, drugged. They pick up a gun and think it's fun to aim it at someone. They go a bit barmy one day and decide shoot everyone down. No, we do not need guns, so we'd better decide whether we were serious about the Port Arthur massacre or not.

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