
Monday, August 04, 2008

Push for national trans fats ban

Push for national trans fats ban: "The 'bad fats', which increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes, occur naturally but also are added to such food as cakes, pies and pastries to improve taste and increase shelf life."

Can't believe we are going to take action on unhealthy food. All this time we have shovelled rubbish into our and our families' mouths and no one has really bothered. it has always concerned me we have thought ourselves clever and intelligent and yet we are living proof we are not capable of feeding ourselves properly. The apathy in western nations about food has been puzzling...because good food is essential to a healthy system. I am not talking fads or extremes. I am just talking about proper, fresh, untampered food. For some reason there has been a conspiracy against us eating healthy food. It is time to take action and it will mean supplying fresh I shall be so heartbroken because they are going to taste so much better. Real food has real taste.

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