
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Modern Policing

Police act on
modern criminals

"'The way the world has developed, particularly with communication and transportation technology . . . just as it facilitates business to operate more effectively, so it does with organised crime,' he said."

Yes, it's back to thinking and hoorah because I have had enough of the air head era. It has to go because we need to use our brains. The police will have to change. They are going to be using helicopters to help their policing here. They have had them out before and at first I hated it, but then I realised it's about the only way they have of effectively spotting people and cars who are engaged in particular forms of crime. I still hate the whirring of the helicopter but it is rare for it to fail in a mission. Our police have had the good sense to do a bit of PR with regard to their techniques and protocol and they have engaged themselves in an upfront community awareness campaign which has helped us help them. In the years I have live here I have met 2 really obnoxious, rude, arrogant policemen. The hundreds and hundreds of others are remarkable patient, practical, very co operative and helpful. I have always been impressed with their methods and their manner. Global crime can be committed anywhere. Anyone can participate, so tracking those sorts of things down will require initiative and incisive thinking. I suppose if we are diversifying, criminals are too. I hope the police will continue to look upon as as helpers rather than hinderers because their capacity to engage with us as a community is one of the reasons they have been effective. On the whole, South Australians want a place where they can just get on with their lives without people targeting them in an unpleasant way so we are actually quite motivated to support the community policing approach.

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