
Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Humpback whale baby dies.

Tangled humpback whale dies.: "A young whale has died in a shark net off the Gold Coast.

The four-metre humpback was found by divers on the sea floor off Currumbin Beach this morning.

An adult whale has prevented divers from retrieving the body."

Things like this are really distressing the residents of the Gold Coast. It was so obvious on the news last night. At the weekend they were out untying a whale from the nets and today, a new baby whale died and it was horrible seeing the mother trying to save it and then trying to protect it. The people up there have done a great job in keeping the mother safe and resolving the issue. They want the shark nets taken down in winter because that's breeding season for the whales and they come through the bay. Authorities seem to think it's okay to lose a whale or two to protect people from sharks. Who are they protecting? The people up there don't feel very protected and want to work with nature and the environment. Why have a tug of war just to prove you can keep nets up when the locals are out there saving the whales and becoming distressed because they do not like to see the consequences of whales caught in nets? They know the area. It seemed like a reasonable suggestion. Why not consult with people and work it out? But, it's true, if we try and protect ourselves from sharks, then we cannot protect ourselves from the creatures we love if they get tangled up in our safety nets.

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